For each class date listed below, there is a topic, assigned reading(s), and any assignment due.
To prepare for class, read and take notes on the assigned reading listed for the date, before we meet for class.
- Be sure to note the topic of the day and consider how the assigned readings help you to better think about or understand our topical focus. Turn the title of the article into a question and use your notes to produce the answer.
- Select a paragraph from any reading that you found interesting, compelling, or insightful and be prepared to share this in class.
- Once you arrive to class, review your notes on the reading(s) so you are prepared for the class discussion.
So for class on 1/30, skim Johnson’s chapter 1 and read the SOCY 2102 Course Letter. For class on 2/1, you will read the Pew Research Center Report and the Cottom article. Jot down any questions you may have and highlight any areas in the reading you found significant.
IMPORTANT: MOST IF NOT ALL ARTICLES ARE PASSWORD PROTECTED. You can access the password by request through Professor Granville ([email protected]) or via Blackboard.
Unit 1
Context of Caribbean Migration:
Key Terms and Theories
Week 1
1/25 Course Introduction
- No Readings
Week 2
1/30 Thinking Sociologically/Practicing
- PDF (password): Intro (skim), “The Forest, the Trees, and the One Thing,” Johnson, Readings in Introduction to Sociology
- PDF (password): SOCY 2102 Love Letter
2/1 What is an Urban Caribbean diaspora?
- PDF (password): Pew Research Center, 2022: One in Ten Black People in the U.S Are Immigrants
- Cottom (2017) Thick, “Black Is Over (Or, Special Black)”
- Film: Trini 2 Di Bone episode, Atlanta
Week 3
2/6 Understanding Caribbean Migration
- PDF (password): The Context of Caribbean Migration, Chaney, Caribbean Life in New York City (Intro)
- PDF (password): Caribbean Migration, Owens, 2014 ABC-Clio.
2/8 Caribbean NYC
- PDF (password): The Caribbeanization of New York City, Sutton, Caribbean Life in New York City
- PDF (password): The Urban Caribbean: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica
Week 4
2/13 NO Class!! (Lincoln’s Birthday)
2/15 The State of Black Immigrants I: Local and National Demographics
- PDF (password): The State of Black Immigrants Report: Part I, BAJI and NYU Law
- (MPI) Caribbean Immigration to the U.S. Report
- Optional reports: Haitian immigrants, Cuban immigrants, Dominican immigrants
- Diaspora Project Assignment # 1 due-2/17
Week 5
2/20 NO Class!! (President’s Day)
- (At least 1 learning immersion completed)
2/22 Defining Diaspora
- PDF (password): The West Indian Diaspora to the USA, Bonnett, Forum on Public Policy, 2007
- The Barbados-South Carolina Connection
- PDF (password): The Caribbean Diaspora, Goulbourne and Solomos, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2004
Week 6
2/27 Transnationalism
- BC Library: Theorizing about and beyond Transnational Processes, Glick Shiller, Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the U.S., 2014
- BC Library: Identity & Kinship-Caribbean Transnational Narratives, Chamberlain, Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the U.S., 2014
3/1 Assimilation
- PDF (password): The Orlando Ricans, Duany, Centro Journal 2010
- PDF (password): “…Feelings of Closeness Toward Other Racial and Ethnic Groups,” Thornton et al, Journal of Black Studies, 2012
- Diaspora Project # 2 due-3/1
Unit 2
Leaving Home:
Legal Trends and Patterns
Week 7
3/6 The Legal Context
- PDF (passw0rd): Globalized Anti-Blackness, Bashi, Ethnic and Racial Studies, July 2004
- Survival of the Knitted, Bashi, Chapter 4
- Greer-Hart Cellar Act (optional)
3/8 The Legal Context
- BC Library: Colonial Racism, Ethnicity & Citizenship, Giraud, Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the U.S., 2014
Week 8
3/13 Crimmigration
- PDF (password): Racializing Crimmigration, Armenta, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 2016
- PDF (password): State of Black Immigrants Report- Part II, BAJI and NYU Law
3/15 Diaspora Project Work Day
- (At least 2 learning immersions completed)
- Unit 1 Response due-3/15
Week 9
3/20 Gender & Migration
- Guest Speaker, Floyd Jarvis
- (PDF password protected) Preface and Chapter 6, The Ganja Complex: Rastafari and Marijuana, Hamid, 2002
3/22 Gender & Migration
- PDF (password): West Indians Raising New York, Mose, “Raising Brooklyn…,” 2011
- Film: Life and Debt film
Unit 3
Home Away From Home:
Identity & Belonging
Week 10
3/27 Race, Ethnicity and Belonging: Politics of Identity
- Pierre-Black Immigrants and Cultural Narratives of Ethnicity
- BC Library: Being Black Ain’t So Bad… Dominican Immigrant Women Negotiating Race In Contemporary Italy. García-Peña, Lorgia. Caribbean studies, 2013, Vol.41 (2), p.137-161.
- Film: Mangrove (2020)
3/29 Race, Ethnicity and Belonging: Politics of Identity
- BC Library: Ethnic identity on display: West Indian youth and the creation of ethnic boundaries in high school. Richards, Bedelia Nicola. Ethnic and racial studies, 2014, Vol.37 (6), p.978-997.
- BC Library: Cubans and Dominicans: Is There a Latino Experience in the United States? John R. Logan; Wenquan Zhang; et. al. Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States, 2008, p.191.
Week 11
4/3 Race, Ethnicity, and Belonging: Place and Space
- Clerge-The New Noir, Blood Pudding: Forbidden Neighbors on Jim Crow Long Island
4/5 Race, Ethnicity, and Belonging: Place and Space
- Clerge-The New Noir, Callaloo: Cultural Economies of our Backyards
- Diaspora Project # 3 due-4/5
Week 12
SPRING BREAK! (No Class 4/10 and 4/12)
- (At least 3 learning immersions completed)
Week 13
4/17 Diaspora Project Work Day
4/19 Race, Culture, and Belonging: Celebrations
- BC Library: THE PUERTO RICAN PARADE AND WEST INDIAN CARNIVAL: Public Celebrations in New York City. Kasinitz, Philip; Freidenberg‐Herbstein, Judith. Center for Migration Studies special issues, 1989, Vol.7 (1), p.303-325.
- Review The Carnival Documentation Project
- Unit 2 Response due-4/19
Week 14
4/24 Race, Culture, and Belonging: Food
- PDF (password): Food Culture in the Caribbean. Houston, Lynn Marie. Food Culture around the World. Greenwood Press.
- BC Library: Roti and Doubles as Comfort Foods for the Trinidadian Diaspora in Canada, the United States, and Britain. Plaza, Dwaine. Social research, 2014, Vol.81 (2), p.463-488.
4/26 Diaspora Project Work Day
Week 15
5/1 and 5/3: Diaspora Project Work Week
- Unit 3 Response due-5/3
Week 16
5/8-5/10 Shottas: Film and Discussion
- Completed Diaspora Report-Community Profile ( Due date 5/10)